February 19th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
धर्मार्थौ यत्र न स्यात्तां शुश्रूषावाऽपि तद्विधा ।
तत्र विद्या न वक्तव्या शुभं बीजमिवोषरे ॥

- मनुस्मृति

dharmārthau yatra na syāttāṃ śuśrūṣāvā'pi tadvidhā ।
tatra vidyā na vaktavyā śubhaṃ bījamivoṣare ॥
- manusmṛti

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Do not teach vidyā (knowledge) in a place where there is no dharma (righteousness), purpose, or tending. (Because), it will be as agreeable as planting a (perfectly) robust seed in a barren land.

Every effort has a result. Though one should not be attached or desirous of a certain outcome, one should certainly be thoughtful about the fruitfulness of his efforts.

There are some basic requirements for a recipient of vidyā. He should have value for values, act righteously, have a purpose in life, be humble, and be prepared to serve. An absence of any of these qualities will not qualify him as a good student. These qualities are essential because they aid in his quest for knowledge and in turn, his growth.

The verse says that giving vidyā (knowledge) to someone without these qualifications is as futile as planting a flourishing seed in a barren land. Although the seed is good, it can't yield anything due to its circumstances and surroundings. Similarly, educating an unqualified person is a waste of time and energy.

pada vigrahaH:
धर्म अर्थौ यत्र न स्यात् तां शुश्रूषौ वा अपि तत् विधा ।
dharma arthau yatra na syāt tāṃ śuśrūṣau vā api tat vidhā ।

तत्र विद्या न वक्तव्या शुभं बीजम् इव ओषरे ॥
tatra vidyā na vaktavyā śubhaṃ bījam iva oṣare ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
dharmaarthau yatra na syaattaaM shushrUShaavaa.pi tadvidhaa ।
tatra vidyaa na vaktavyaa shubhaM bIjamivoShare ॥
- manusmRuti

dharma arthau yatra na syaat taaM shushrUShau vaa api tat vidhaa ।
tatra vidyaa na vaktavyaa shubhaM bIjam iva oShare ॥

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