February 18th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
क्षुत्क्षामोऽपि जराकृशोऽपि शिथिलप्रायोऽपि कष्टां दशाम्
आपन्नोऽपि विपन्नदीधितिरपि प्राणेषु नश्यत्स्वपि ।
किं जीर्णं तृणमत्ति मानमहतामग्रेसरः केसरी ॥

- नीतिशतक

kṣutkṣāmo'pi jarākṛśo'pi śithilaprāyo'pi kaṣṭāṃ daśām
āpanno'pi vipannadīdhitirapi prāṇeṣu naśyatsvapi ।
kiṃ jīrṇaṃ tṛṇamatti mānamahatāmagresaraḥ kesarī ॥
- nītiśataka

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Would a lion—the frontrunner among the respectable, who is desirous of eating the flesh from the slit forehead of a mad elephant, even when emaciated with hunger, haggard with age, slacking (in energy), distressed abundantly, troubled and losing salubrity—eat dilapidated grass?!

A lion is not called the king of the jungle for no reason. He keeps his head high because he is strong, ferocious, and majestic. He doesn't bow down under any circumstance, or lose his self-esteem. Just because he is waning with hunger, lean with age, weak in his pounce, and facing multitudes of troubles while losing life's vital energy, he will not succumb to his state of affairs. He will still be desirous of eating flesh by slitting open the forehead of an elephant—not just any elephant, but a jagged one who is rut with rage. His physical state won't put a dent in his valor! He would never settle for eating dry grass because it is easily and abundantly available.

The point here is not herbivores versus carnivores. The aspect of interest here is that what doesn't come naturally to him, will not come to him in times of dire circumstance either. No compromise whatsoever!  Nobility comes from being steady, strong, and firm through all kinds of circumstances like the lion.  Stooping down from our own values, morals, virtues, and views due to external situations should not be an option. 

Keep thy values and standards at all times.  

pada vigrahaH:
क्षुत्-क्षामः अपि जरा कृशः अपि शिथिल-प्रायः अपि कष्टां दशाम्
kṣut-kṣāmaḥ api jarā kṛśaḥ api śithila-prāyaḥ api kaṣṭāṃ daśām

आपन्नः अपि विपन्न-दीधितिः अपि प्राणेषु नश्यत्सु अपि ।
āpannaḥ api vipanna-dīdhitiḥ api prāṇeṣu naśyatsu api ।


किं जीर्णं तृणम् अत्ति मान-महताम् अग्रेसरः केसरी ॥
kiṃ jīrṇaṃ tṛṇam atti māna-mahatām agresaraḥ kesarī ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
kShutkShaamo.pi jaraakRusho.pi shithilapraayo.pi kaShTaaM dashaam
aapanno.pi vipannadIdhitirapi praaNeShu nashyatsvapi ।
kiM jIrNaM tRuNamatti maanamahataamagresaraH kesarI ॥
- nItishataka

kShut-kShaamaH api jaraa kRushaH api shithila-praayaH api kaShThaaM dashaam
aapannaH api vipanna-dIdhitiH api praaNeShu nashyatsu api ।
kiM jIrNaM tRuNam atti maana-mahataam agresaraH kesarI ॥

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