Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
निःसारस्य पदार्थस्य प्रायेणाडम्बरो महान् ।
न हि स्वर्णे ध्वनिस्तादृक् यादृक् कांस्ये प्रजायते ॥
- यशस्तिलक
niḥsārasya padārthasya prāyeṇāḍambaro mahān ।
na hi svarṇe dhvanistādṛk yādṛk kāṃsye prajāyate ॥
- yaśastilaka
Meaning of the subhAShita:
Things of lesser quintessential value probably catch more attention. Gold doesn't make noise like brass.
Brass pots make noise generously at the slightest instigation! Gold, on the other hand, doesn't draw noisy attention to itself. It is a rarer metal that has more value in terms of quality. Unlike brass, gold doesn't lose luster over time. (Although brass can gain its shine back when cleaned, it also tarnishes fast.) Yet, clinking gold does not generate much noise.
The poet has used this fact as a metaphor for things of more qualitative essence, and that they do not propagate much clamor about themselves. Mundane things like gossip are not proactive towards the betterment of anyone. However, they will come in all kinds of flashy hues and shades. They generate noise in the minds of people and become topics of interest. But in reality, they are distractive just like brass.
This applies to people as well. Learned people do not blow their own horns. They do not show off their prowess with glitz and glamor! Their purpose is to learn more, share their knowledge with their fellow beings, and use their learning for the betterment of society, silently. They are not concerned about who is walking away with credit!
This applies to people as well. Learned people do not blow their own horns. They do not show off their prowess with glitz and glamor! Their purpose is to learn more, share their knowledge with their fellow beings, and use their learning for the betterment of society, silently. They are not concerned about who is walking away with credit!
As someone said, "There is no limit to what can be accomplished if it doesn't matter who gets the credit." Such people work humbly towards a higher goal, without being pompous about their endeavors. Work hard in silence and let your success be your noise!
pada vigrahaH:
निःसारस्य पदार्थस्य प्रायेण अडम्बरः महान् ।
niḥsārasya padārthasya prāyeṇa aḍambaraḥ mahān ।
न हि स्वर्णे ध्वनिः तादृक् यादृक् कांस्ये प्रजायते ॥
na hi svarṇe dhvaniḥ tādṛk yādṛk kāṃsye prajāyate ॥
pada vigrahaH:
निःसारस्य पदार्थस्य प्रायेण अडम्बरः महान् ।
niḥsārasya padārthasya prāyeṇa aḍambaraḥ mahān ।
न हि स्वर्णे ध्वनिः तादृक् यादृक् कांस्ये प्रजायते ॥
na hi svarṇe dhvaniḥ tādṛk yādṛk kāṃsye prajāyate ॥
niHsaarasya padaarthasya praayeNaaDambaro mahaan ।
na hi svarNe dhvanistaadRuk yaadRuk kaaMsye prajaayate ॥
- yashastilaka
niHsaarasya padaarthasya praayeNa aDambaraH mahaan ।
na hi svarNe dhvaniH taadRuk yaadRuk kaaMsye prajaayate ॥
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