Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
अग्निदो गरदश्चैव शस्त्रपणिर्धनापहः ।
क्षेत्रदारापहारी च षड्विद्यादाततायिनः ॥
- महाभारत
agnido garadaścaiva śastrapaṇirdhanāpahaḥ ।
kṣetradārāpahārī ca ṣaḍvidyādātatāyinaḥ ॥
- mahābhārata
Meaning of the subhAShita:
Cognize these 6 as criminal aggressors—those who (assault) with fire, poison, or weapons in hand; or snatch one's wealth, wife, or land.
Terrorism stands as the gravest threat to civilization and society.
Terror can be unleashed upon the world in many ways. The verse says that those who set fires to harm people or destroy property, those who take lives by poisoning, etc., and those who strike with weapons—all should be recognized as heinous criminals. Beyond these overt acts, others must also be held accountable—those who seize others' wealth, land, or wife by force. These people instill fear in the hearts and minds of the people.
The true weight of terrorism must be measured by its impact on a nation’s security and its people's well-being. A soldier may take up arms, but never with evil intent—his purpose is to defend his country, and very few callings are more sacred than this. Supporting a just cause is not an act of terror.
In contrast, when an insurgent wields violence for personal gain, firm authority must prevail. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Criminals thrive on the inaction of society against them. They flourish where society turns a blind eye. On the other hand, when people collectively rise up and refuse to surrender to fear, crime is kept under check.
Every society gets the kind of criminal it deserves. Equally true is the fact that every populace gets the kind of law enforcement it insists upon! People MUST insist that those who act against justice must be brought to justice.
True peace is not a mere absence of tension; it is the prevalence of justice! May every society live in the light of justice, peace, and harmony!
pada vigrahaH:
अग्निदः गरदः च एव शस्त्र-पणिः धन-अपहः ।
agnidaḥ garadaḥ ca eva śastra-paṇiḥ dhana-apahaḥ ।
क्षेत्र-दार-अपहारी च षट् विद्यात् आततायिनः ॥
kṣetra-dāra-apahārī ca ṣaṭ vidyāt ātatāyinaḥ ॥
agnido garadashchaiva shastrapaNirdhanaapahaH |
kShetradaaraapahaaree cha ShaDvidyaadaatataayinaH ||
- mahaabhaarata
agnidaH garadaH cha eva shastra-paNiH dhana-apahaH ।
kShetra-daara-apahaarI cha ShaT vidyaat aatataayinaH ॥
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