Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
उत्सवे व्यसने चैव दुर्भिक्षे शत्रुसङ्कटे ।
राजद्वारे स्मशाने च यस्तिष्ठति स बान्धवः ॥
- हितोपदेश
utsave vyasane caiva durbhikṣe śatrusaṅkaṭe ।
rājadvāre smaśāne ca yastiṣṭhati sa bāndhavaḥ ॥
- hitopadeśa
Meaning of the subhAShita:
In celebration, in sorrow, during a calamity, during a crisis with an enemy, in front of a higher authority, in the crematorium, he who stays by, is kin (relative).
In times of joy, prosperity, and abundance, it is only natural for friends and family to gather around like ants to sugar. But life as we know it is not a constant celebration. It ebbs and flows, with highs and lows, twists and turns. When sorrow strikes, the scene often changes. People scatter. The effort required to help lift someone from their misery is too much for many. In times of calamity, self-preservation trumps effort; in moments of crisis, standing by a loved one can seem too daunting. When an enemy threatens, it's easier to slip away than face the challenge together. Confronting authority, a king, or a powerful figure often drives people to retreat in fear. When death comes, only those who truly matter remain, while others step back, fearing that they will be obligated to care for the survivors.
The poet is right: the one who stands by your side in both joy and sorrow, during calamity or crisis, in the face of an enemy or authority, and even in the crematorium—this person, regardless of bloodline, is the truest of kin. Their loyalty transcends a mere relationship; they become family.
What makes family truly family, is the unwavering commitment to stick together no matter the circumstances. Family in its deepest sense, is the ultimate source of strength and resilience—a refuge where life begins and love knows no end. This is the foundation upon which we build our lives and the bedrock that supports us through every storm.
pada vigrahaH:
उत्सवे व्यसने च एव दुर्भिक्षे शत्रु-सङ्कटे ।
utsave vyasane ca eva durbhikṣe śatru-saṅkaṭe ।
राज-द्वारे स्मशाने च यः तिष्ठति सः बान्धवः ॥
rāja-dvāre smaśāne ca yaḥ tiṣṭhati saḥ bāndhavaḥ ॥
utsave vyasane chaiva durbhikShe shatrusa~nkaTe |
raajadvaare smashaane cha yastiShThati sa baandhavaH ||
- hitopadeSa
utsave vyasane cha eva durbhikShe shatru-sa~nkaTe |
raaja-dvaare smashaane ca yaH tiShThati saH baandhavaH ||
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