October 21st

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
मौनं कालविलंबश्च प्रयाणं भूमिदर्शनम् ।
भृकुट्यन्यमुखीवार्ता नकारः षड्विधः स्मृतः ॥

maunaṃ kālavilaṃbaśca prayāṇaṃ bhūmidarśanam ।
bhṛkuṭyanyamukhīvārtā nakāraḥ ṣaḍvidhaḥ smṛtaḥ ॥

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Silence, delaying, going away, looking at the ground, (raising) an eyebrow, talking about something else (or to someone else)—these are six ways of saying 'no'. 

When agreeing with others, one must be cautious not to betray oneself in the process. 

There is a saying: "All the mistakes I’ve made were when I said 'yes' when I truly wanted to say 'no.'" A person who lacks the strength to say ‘no’ ends up being a follower to many. He becomes a yes-man to everyone. By complying with everything and everyone, he loses track of his own direction and desires too.

It is vital that one feels free from acting against their own will due to obligation. So, how does one say 'no' gracefully, without creating discomfort or offense?

The verse suggests six simple approaches. Silence is one option, as is delaying the response. Walking away or diverting your gaze can be enough too—staring at the ground, for instance. Another way is a raised eyebrow, as if to say, "Are you serious?" or simply changing the topic to move on smoothly. These methods ease the difficulty of saying 'no.'

For the right reasons, it is okay to say 'no.'  There is no need to feel guilty about setting boundaries.  One needs to take care of his own time and resources in a way he deems suitable for himself.  Saying 'no' can be a powerful form of self-care, not selfishness.  It is okay to say 'no!' to people, places, and things that drain one's energy! 

Choosing 'yes' or 'no' both require careful thought. Half the troubles in life can be traced back to either saying 'yes' too soon or not saying 'no' soon enough!  Think, decide, and commit without regret.

pada vigrahaH:
मौनं काल-विलंबः च प्रयाणं भूमि-दर्शनम् ।
maunaṃ kāla-vilaṃbaḥ ca prayāṇaṃ bhūmi-darśanam ।

भृकुटी अन्य-मुखी-वार्ता नकारः षड्विधः स्मृतः ॥
bhṛkuṭī anya-mukhī-vārtā nakāraḥ ṣaḍvidhaḥ smṛtaḥ ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
maunaM kaalavilaMbashcha prayaaNaM bhoomidarSanam ।
bhRukuTyanyamukheevaartaa nakaaraH ShaDvidhaH smRutaH ॥

maunaM kaala-vilaMbaH ca prayaaNaM bhoomi-darSanam ।
bhRukuTI anya-mukhee-vaartaa nakaaraH ShaDvidhaH smRutaH ॥

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