October 29th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
क्रियावधिज्ञं व्यसनेष्वसक्तम् ।
शूरं कृतज्ञं दृढसौहृदं च 
लक्ष्मीः स्वयं याति निवासहेतोः ॥

kriyāvadhijñaṃ vyasaneṣvasaktam ।
śūraṃ kṛtajñaṃ dṛḍhasauhṛdaṃ ca 
lakṣmīḥ svayaṃ yāti nivāsahetoḥ ॥

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Goddess Lakṣmī (the epitome of prosperity) will willingly go reside with a person who—is filled with enthusiasm, does not procrastinate, has acumen in his work, is disinterested in vices (like addiction), is brave, has gratitude, and makes firm friendships.  

Everyone seeks success and prosperity. Goddess Lakṣmī, the embodiment of all things prosperous, represents this very aspiration. Yet, she is often elusive—rarely comes easily to all. 

There is a reason for her fleeting nature. In pursuit of success, many tend to gravitate towards the easy road—laziness, procrastination, ineptitude, distractions, fear, ingratitude, and betrayal. These choices are tempting because they serve selfish desires, providing immediate, though shallow, satisfaction. However, true prosperity is not born from such seeds.

True prosperity is sown in the fertile soil of gratitude and nourished by unwavering persistence. Prosperity flourishes when one aligns with a clear purpose and pursues it with relentless passion. The journey toward prosperity is carved through hard work, resilience, and integrity. It is measured not in fleeting achievements, but in courage and character.

Success is a journey, and prosperity is the reward for every step taken with intention and resolve. A life lived with purpose, passion, and perseverance will naturally unfold into prosperity. When qualities like gratitude, purpose, persistence, and character are embraced, success will come knocking at the door, uninvited but inevitable!

pada vigrahaH:
उत्साह-सम्पन्नम् अदीर्घसूत्रं 

utsāha-sampannam adīrghasūtraṃ 

क्रिय-अवधिज्ञं व्यसनेषु असक्तम् ।
kriya-avadhijñaṃ vyasaneṣu asaktam ।

शूरं कृतज्ञं दृढ-सौहृदं च 

śūraṃ kṛtajñaṃ dṛḍha-sauhṛdaṃ ca 

लक्ष्मीः स्वयं याति निवास-हेतोः ॥
lakṣmīḥ svayaṃ yāti nivāsa-hetoḥ ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
kriyaavadhij~naM vyasaneShvasaktam |
shUraM kRutaj~naM dRuDhasauhRudaM cha 
lakShmeeH svayaM yaati nivaasahetoH ||

utsaaha-sampannam adeerghasootraM 
kriya-avadhij~jaM vyasaneShu asaktam |
shUraM kRutaj~naM dRuDha-sauhRudaM cha 
lakShmeeH svayaM yaati nivaasa-hetoH ||

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