October 1st

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
कृतस्य करणं नास्ति मृतस्य मरणं तथा ।
गतस्य शोचनं नास्ति ह्येतद्वेदविदां मतम् ॥

kṛtasya karaṇaṃ nāsti mṛtasya maraṇaṃ tathā ।
gatasya śocanaṃ nāsti hyetadvedavidāṃ matam ॥

Meaning of the subhAShita:
There is no doing of that which is (already) done just as there is no death to the already dead. There is no sorrow for that which has passed—this is the opinion of those who are cognizant of the Vedas.

Do not cry over spilt milk!

Once a task is done, it cannot be undone. Once a seed sprouts, it cannot re-sprout. Once a child grows, they cannot grow again from the beginning. Similarly, there is no second death for someone who has already passed. If these truths are universally accepted, why not embrace the reality that there is no point in lamenting what is already gone?

When undoing or redoing is not an option, why waste time dwelling in sorrow? Those who understand the essence of the Vedas recognize this truth. They accept the past as it is and move forward, leaving their grief behind.

Truly, it is never worth crying over spilt milk.

pada vigrahaH:
कृतस्य करणं न अस्ति मृतस्य मरणं तथा ।
kṛtasya karaṇaṃ na asti mṛtasya maraṇaṃ tathā ।

गतस्य शोचनं न अस्ति हि एतत् वेद-विदां मतम् ॥
gatasya śocanaṃ na asti hi etat veda-vidāṃ matam ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
kRutasya karaNaM naasti mRutasya maraNaM tathaa ।
gatasya shochanaM naasti hyetadvedavidaaM matam ॥

kRutasya karaNaM na asti mRutasya maraNaM tathaa ।
gatasya shochanaM na asti hi etat veda-vidaaM matam ॥


  1. You are doing a wonderful job. Bringing alive our culture, our sanskruti is something that that will bring you immeasurable punya. Keep up the good work!!!!

  2. Thanks for your kind words and encouragement, Andy.

  3. wonderful and thought provoking.thank you.
