October 15th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
अणुभ्यश्च महद्भ्यश्च शास्त्रेभ्यः कुशलो नरः ।
सर्वतः सारमादद्यात् पुष्पेभ्य इव षट्पदः ॥


aṇubhyaśca mahadbhyaśca śāstrebhyaḥ kuśalo naraḥ ।
sarvataḥ sāramādadyāt puṣpebhya iva ṣaṭpadaḥ ॥

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Whether the indoctrination is infinitesimal or ginormous, a skilled person learns the essence of everything, just as the bees collect nectar.

Bees do not discriminate.  Whether it is a huge sunflower or a tiny little jasmine, they suck the nectar from it with the same eagerness and alertness!  For the bee, each drop of nectar is precious irrespective of its origin.  In the end, each drop collectively makes the hive complete!

Such should be the interest, attentiveness, and curiosity while learning any kind of knowledge.  Be it a profound text or a small law of nature, each doctrine has its own special place and need.  Certainly, one must extract the essence of all knowledge with all eagerness.

Being conscious of one's own ignorance is the greatest step towards knowledge. Knowledge is power.  Get powerful!

pada vigrahaH:
अणुभ्यः च महद्भ्यः च शास्त्रेभ्यः कुशलः नरः ।
aṇubhyaḥ ca mahadbhyaḥ ca śāstrebhyaḥ kuśalaḥ naraḥ ।

सर्वतः सारम् आदद्यात् पुष्पेभ्यः इव षट्पदः ॥
sarvataḥ sāram ādadyāt puṣpebhyaḥ iva aṭpadaḥ ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
aNubhyashcha mahadbhyashcha shaastrebhyaH kushalo naraH ।
sarvataH saaramaadadyaat puShpebhya iva ShaTpadaH ॥
- bhaagavata

aNubhyaH cha mahadbhyaH cha shaastrebhyaH kushalaH naraH ।
sarvataH saaram aadadyaat puShpebhyaH iva ShaTpadaH ॥

1 comment:

  1. The search for truth is an inner urge that must eventually be satisfied.
