September 29th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
येषां न विद्या न तपो न दानं ज्ञानं न शीलं न गुणो न धर्मः ।
ते मर्त्यलोके भुवि भारभूता मनुष्यरूपेण मृगाश्चरन्ति ॥

yeṣāṃ na vidyā na tapo na dānaṃ jñānaṃ na śīlaṃ na guṇo na dharmaḥ ।
te martyaloke bhuvi bhārabhūtā manuṣyarūpeṇa mṛgāścaranti ॥

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Those devoid of knowledge, nor do penance, nor give (dānaṃ), nor have wisdom, character, virtue, nor a sense of righteousness - such people, being a burden on the earth, roam like animals in human form.

A human being is, perhaps, the most unpredictable, dangerous, and destructive creature to walk the Earth. No other animal possesses the same intellect, nor the cunning charm to deceive like us. Yet, humans are also blessed with something extraordinary: willpower. Add money and power into the equation, and the complexities only grow.

This is precisely why humans need to engage with a wide range of disciplines. We are not born ready. We must learn to seek knowledge, practice discipline as if it were a form of penance, shed selfishness, and cultivate generosity. Wisdom, too, is not given—it grows through experience. Building a strong character and living by virtuous principles requires conscious effort, just as developing a sense of righteousness demands continuous refinement.

Without these attributes, the immense potential we carry becomes nothing more than brute power—wild and unrestrained. And unrestrained power is not just frightening; it can be deadly.

The poet laments that humans who neglect to develop these virtues are no better than animals, wandering through life as burdens on the Earth. Those words are harsh but not without truth. Animals are bound by the instincts of their nature. They do not have the luxury of elevating themselves. But we, as humans, have no such excuse for remaining stagnant, primitive, or unrefined.

Remarkably, progress is often a chain reaction—when we begin working on one positive trait, others follow. The journey toward self-improvement gathers momentum, pulling us away from being raw and untamed toward becoming something greater.

Being human by birth is a gift, but becoming a real human being requires conscious effort. It’s not enough to exist as a weary load upon this world. We must strive to live with purpose, evolve with intention, and become human in the truest sense.

Be human. Live deliberately.

pada vigrahaH:
येषां न विद्या न तपः न दानं ज्ञानं न शीलं न गुणः न धर्मः ।
yeṣāṃ na vidyā na tapaḥ na dānaṃ jñānaṃ na śīlaṃ na guṇaḥ na dharmaḥ ।

ते मर्त्य-लोके भुवि भार-भूताः मनुष्य-रूपेण मृगाः चरन्ति ॥
te martya-loke bhuvi bhāra-bhūtāḥ manuṣya-rūpeṇa mṛgāḥ caranti ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
yeShaaM na vidyaa na tapo na daanaM j~naanaM na shIlaM na guNo na dharmaH ।
te martyaloke bhuvi bhaarabhUtaa manuShyarUpeNa mRugaashcharanti ॥

yeShaaM na vidyaa na tapaH na daanaM j~naanaM na shIlaM na guNaH na dharmaH ।
te martya-loke bhuvi bhaara-bhUtaaH manuShya-rUpeNa mRugaaH charanti ॥

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