September 24th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
द्विविधो जायते व्याधिः शारीरो मानसस्तथा ।
परस्परं तयोर्जन्म निर्द्वन्द्वं नोपलभ्यते ॥

dvividho jāyate vyādhiḥ śārīro mānasastathā ।
parasparaṃ tayorjanma nirdvandvaṃ nopalabhyate ॥

Meaning of the subhAShita:
There are two sources where diseases are born out of - the body, and the mind.  Their origination is interdependent.  It is not possible to understand them independently.  

A healthy mind and a healthy body lead to a healthy life!

Mind and body are two sides of the same coin; one cannot exist without the other, and the condition of one profoundly influences the other.

It’s natural for a person suffering from a physical ailment to experience mental distress. When energy is low, spirits tend to drag down. Tasks that once felt effortless would require extra effort, especially in the case of chronic conditions. (The poet is not referring to acute ailments like colds or flu, which can be easily caught but are often temporary.)

Conversely, if the mind is afflicted, the body struggles to perform at its best. In fact, it can be more challenging to get rid of physical illness when the mind is not at ease than the other way around.

The connection between mind and body is so profound that there are numerous instances where treating one led to the alleviation of the other. Many times, ailments of the mind manifest as physical diseases. Therefore, maintaining a healthy and alert mind is crucial.

To be happy, a healthy mind and body are essential.  The body can achieve what the mind believes in because - mind over matter! When mind and body are in harmony, happiness becomes the natural outcome. 

Stay healthy, stay happy!

pada vigrahaH:
द्विविधः जायते व्याधिः शारीरः मानसः तथा ।
dvividhaḥ jāyate vyādhiḥ śārīraḥ mānasaḥ tathā ।

परस्परं तयोः जन्म निर्द्वन्द्वं न उपलभ्यते ॥
parasparaṃ tayoḥ janma nirdvandvaṃ na upalabhyate ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
dvividho jaayate vyaadhiH shaarIro maanasastathaa ।
parasparaM tayorjanma nirdvandvaM nopalabhyate ॥

dvividhaH jaayate vyaadhiH shaarIraH maanasaH tathaa ।
parasparaM tayoH janma nirdvandvaM na upalabhyate ॥

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