September 25th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
सहसा विदधीत न क्रियाम् अविवेकः परमापदां पदम् ।
वृणते हि विमृश्यकारिणं गुणलुब्धाः स्वयमेव संपदः ॥
- किरातार्जुनीय 

sahasā vidadhīta na kriyām avivekaḥ paramāpadāṃ padam ।
vṛṇate hi vimṛśyakāriṇaṃ guṇalubdhāḥ svayameva saṃpadaḥ ॥
- kirātārjunīya

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Do not undertake any actions on impulse.  Lack of discrimination is the loftiest abode for troubles.  (On the other hand,) for one who deliberates and acts, wealth shall come on its own as if attracted, because it longs for those with excellence. 

In the rush of daily life, it’s easy to forget: haste makes waste. Before embarking on any endeavor, it’s crucial to pause and reflect. Considering the entirety of the task at hand, weighing its implications and potential challenges is essential. Often, with thoughtful contemplation, many issues can be resolved before they even arise, allowing for a smoother journey ahead.

The poet wisely notes that true wealth, success, and prosperity are drawn to those who embody excellence—who think through the consequences before taking action. Those who navigate their paths with care are rewarded with not only greater efficiency but also an increased likelihood of achieving their goals. They conserve time and resources, setting themselves up for a more fruitful outcome.

All great achievements require time and dedication. Ignorant zeal, driven by impatience, often leads to failure. One should not let the allure of quick results tarnish the beauty of his pursuits. 

Embrace the journey with patience and thoughtfulness. The rewards will be well worth the wait. 

pada vigrahaH:
सहसा विदधीत न क्रियाम् अविवेकः परम आपदां पदम् ।
sahasā vidadhīta na kriyāṃ avivekaḥ parama āpadāṃ padam ।

वृणते हि विमृश्यकारिणं गुणलुब्धाः स्वयम् एव संपदः ॥
vṛṇate hi vimṛśyakāriṇaṃ guṇa-lubdhāḥ svayam eva saṃpadaḥ ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
sahasaa vidadhIta na kriyaam avivekaH paramāpadāṃ padam ।
vṛṇate hi vimṛśyakāriṇaṃ guṇalubdhā: svayameva saṃpada: ॥
- kirātārjunīya

sahasaa vidadhIta na kriyaam avivekaH parama āpadaaM padam ।
vRuNate hi vimakRushyakaariNaM guNa-lubdhaaH svayam eva saMpadaH ॥

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