September 23rd

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
श्रद्धायत्नौ यदि स्यात्तां मेधया किं प्रयोजनम् ।
इत्युभौ यदि न स्यात्तां मेधया किं प्रयोजनम् ॥ 

śraddhāyatnau yadi syāttāṃ medhayā kiṃ prayojanam ।
ityubhau yadi na syāttāṃ medhayā kiṃ prayojanam ॥

Meaning of the subhAShita:
For those who have faith and zeal to work, of what use is knowledge?!  Then again, if one doesn't have these two (faith and zeal), of what use is knowledge?!  

So, does this mean knowledge is unnecessary?!  Not really! 

This verse emphasizes that with faith and effort, knowledge can be gained over time. When one has a keen interest and combines it with dedication, knowledge follows naturally. Thus, a person does not need to possess a complete understanding of a subject before embarking on his journey.

Conversely, for someone lacking the energy and confidence to initiate any venture, to such a person for what good is knowledge? Without these two essential qualities, knowledge becomes futile and meaningless, reduced to a mere word jargon in one’s mind.

This illustrates that though faith, effort, and knowledge are interconnected, faith and effort take precedence. One can acquire knowledge along the way, and it is unwise to wait until one has exhaustive knowledge before starting any undertaking.

Faith and hard work always pay off! Patience acts as the glue that binds these two together. This combination is the best approach to materialize any endeavor and acquire knowledge in the process.

pada vigrahaH:
श्रद्धा-यत्नौ यदि स्यात् तां मेधया किं प्रयोजनम् ।
śraddhā-yatnau yadi syāt tāṃ medhayā kiṃ prayojanam । 

इति उभौ यदि न स्यात् तां मेधया किं प्रयोजनम् ॥
iti ubhau yadi na syāt tāṃ medhayā kiṃ prayojanam ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
shraddhaayatnau yadi syaattaaM medhayaa kiM prayojanam ।
ityubhau yadi na syaattaaM medhayaa kiM prayojanam ॥

shraddhaa-yatnau yadi syaat taaM medhayaa kiM prayojanam ।
iti ubhau yadi na syaat taaM medhayaa kiM prayojanam ॥

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