February 4th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
यदीच्छसि वशीकर्तुं जगदेकेन कर्मणा ।
परापवादसस्येभ्यः गां चरन्तीं निवारय ॥

- चाणक्य नीति

yadīcchasi vaśīkartuṃ jagadekena karmaṇā ।
parāpavādasasyebhyaḥ gāṃ carantīṃ nivāraya ॥
- cāṇakya nīti

Meaning of the subhAShita:
If desirous of captivating the world with just one action, avert the cow grazing on the pastures of berating others.

Everyone desires to win the hearts of those around them. Imagine a magic trick—one that requires no money, talent, or effort to master—yet guarantees admiration, acceptance, and success in life. No need for prestigious degrees or trophies from elite institutions. Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? But such a mantra does exist!

The secret? Simply avoid the tongue-tempting habit of criticizing, gossiping, or berating others. The poet beautifully compares this habit to the mindless grazing of a cow in pastures. Just as grazing is instinctive to a cow, for some, passing judgment on others feels natural. The poet urges: "Ward off that cow within you, the one that mindlessly grazes on the pastures of fault-finding!" The result? A life that blooms effortlessly, free from unnecessary conflict.

Criticizing others may feel easy, but it undermines one's ability to stay in the good books of others. Blame, after all, is the lazy person's escape from making sense of chaos. It’s said that a person can fail countless times, but they only truly become a failure when they start blaming others.

Take responsibility for your actions. The moment you do, you’ll see yourself—and the world around you—differently. Success isn't about pulling others down; it’s about rising while uplifting those around you. By aligning in harmony with others, you'll find yourself truly "on top of the world." Otherwise, you risk becoming a lonely soul, left with no one but yourself.

pada vigrahaH:
यदि इच्छसि वशीकर्तुं जगत् एकेन कर्मणा ।
yadi icchasi vaśīkartuṃ jagat ekena karmaṇā ।

पर-अपवाद-सस्येभ्यः गां चरन्तीं निवारय ॥
para-apavaada-sasyebhyaH gaaM charantIM nivaaraya ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
yadIchChasi vashIkartuM jagadekena karmaNaa ।
paraapavaadasasyebhyaH gaaM charantIM nivaaraya ॥
- chaaNakya nIti

yadi ichChasi vashIkartuM jagat ekena karmaNaa ।
para-apavāda-sasyebhyaḥ gāṃ carantīṃ nivāraya ॥


  1. परापवादसस्येभ्य इत्यस्य "पर अपवाद सस्येभ्य" इति प्रदर्शनमयुक्तम् । पदच्छेदस्यैव दर्शनीयत्वात् । परआदीनामपदत्वात् । नापदं प्रयुञ्जीतेति निषेधाच्च ।

  2. ललितालालितः, सूचनार्थे धन्यवादः। पदविग्रहेषु समस विग्रहवाक्यान् कदापि न प्रदर्शितवती। अतः अद्य मया ’-’ स्थापितम्। एतत् समीचीनमिति मन्ये।

  3. पदानि यथावत्स्थापयित्वा विग्रहसन्ध्यादिप्रदर्शनमपरत्रैव ममाभिमतम् ।

  4. The cow grazing "character " is the hallmark of weak and inefficient ones who neither compete with themselves nor with others .If one learns to evolve within and live in harmony with the world without treading on lives of other people life will be easier for such . All this happens because
    of the fear of competition in all walks of life .

  5. @ललितालालितः, परिचिन्तयामि।

  6. @Venugopal-ji, That is very true! When unhealthy competitive attitude creeps in, it makes life one hell. If only one understands that he doesn't have to pull the rest down to be on top of the world! He can feel on top of the world only by being in harmony with the world around him. Or he will be a lonely man stuck only with himself.

  7. So very nice Blog...so informative....Very Nice.
    I am now following your Blog.Will you please follow my blog?
    May Lord Bless You...Love Light and Peace

  8. Thanks Indranil for your appreciation. Your blog looks nice too. Will check back regularly. Best of luck.

  9. Can you please elabore this sloka in your same beautiful lucid manner!

    Khadan na Gachhami, hasan na rajan,
    gatam na sochami, krutam na manye
    Dwabhyam trutiyo na bhavami rajan,
    kim karanam bhoja bhavami murkha ha ?

  10. Nice verse there! Will put it up one of the following weeks. Thanks :).
