February 11th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
यद्वाञ्छति दिवा मर्त्यः वीक्षते वा करोति वा ।
तत्स्वप्नेऽपि तदभ्यासात् ब्रूते वाथ करोति वा ॥

- पञ्चतन्त्र, मित्रभेद

yadvāñchati divā martyaḥ vīkṣate vā karoti vā ।
tatsvapne'pi tadabhyāsāt brūte vātha karoti vā ॥
- pañcatantra, mitrabheda

Meaning of the subhAShita:
That which is desired, viewed, or done by a mortal during the day, (he) speaks or does the same, due to practice even in dreams.

Habituation is what it is!

The thoughts and actions we entertain regularly are seeds that inevitably take root in our subconscious minds, growing stronger with time. Psychiatrists often point out that dreams are reflections of our strongest desires or deepest fears.

When we sleep, the dominant impressions from our waking hours tend to resurface. Dreams are like unscripted movies—random snippets of memories and emotions stitched together without the supervision of an editor. Sometimes, they may appear chaotic and meaningless; at other times, they bring startling clarity. Many inventors and thinkers have woken up with solutions to problems that eluded them during their waking hours. Why? Because their minds were persistently engaged with those thoughts, allowing their subconscious to connect the dots in unexpected ways.

The mind does not discriminate between positive or negative thoughts. It simply shapes and amplifies whatever dominates our focus. Dreams, then, become the creative canvas where these latent thoughts take form.

As the saying goes, "Dreams are like stars... one may never touch them, but if followed, they will lead to unseen heights." A great man said, "Dream is not what you see in sleep but is the thing which doesn't let you sleep!" Big dreams require big thoughts, actions, and visions during our waking hours. 

Fill your days with purpose, positivity, and relentless pursuit of your goals, and you’ll soon find yourself turning dreams into reality. Dream it, live it, achieve it!

pada vigrahaH:
यत् वाञ्छति दिवा मर्त्यः वीक्षते वा करोति वा ।
yat vāñchati divā martyaḥ vīkṣate vā karoti vā ।

तत् स्वप्ने अपि तत् अभ्यासात् ब्रूते वा अथ करोति वा ॥
tat svapne api tat abhyāsāt brūte vā atha karoti vā ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
yadvaa~nChati divaa martyaH vIkShate vaa karoti vaa ।
tatsvapne.pi tadabhyaasaat brUte vaatha karoti vaa ॥
- pa~nchatantra, mitrabheda

yat vaa~nChati divaa martyaH vIkShate vaa karoti vaa ।
tat svapne api tat abhyaasaat brUte vaa atha karoti vaa ॥

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