January 7th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
द्वाविमौ पुरुषौ राजन् स्वर्गस्योपरि तिष्ठतः ।
प्रभुश्च क्षमया युक्तः दरिद्रश्च प्रदानवान् ॥

- विदुरनीति

dvāvimau puruṣau rājan svargasyopari tiṣṭhataḥ ।
prabhuśca kṣamayā yuktaḥ daridraśca pradānavān ॥
- viduranīti

Meaning of the subhAShita:
O, king!  These two people surpass even heaven—a master associated with forgiveness (and) an impoverished one who is giving.

A master, lord, or king holds the power to act as he pleases. He could choose to punish or reprimand his subordinates for their mistakes. Yet, if he chooses to forgive, it elevates his greatness manifold. Forgiveness, after all, is not just about liberating another—it is about liberating oneself. As the saying goes, “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.”

Resentment binds us with an emotional chain stronger than steel, tethering us to the past and preventing us from moving forward. Forgiveness is the key that dissolves the shackles, breaking the cycle and granting true freedom. A person who consciously forgives, despite having the power to do otherwise, possesses an extraordinary heart. Such a person simplifies life, finds joy in the present, and creates his own heaven on Earth.

Similarly, when someone impoverished, barely surviving, still finds it in their heart to give, it speaks volumes about their generosity and selflessness. To give even when it costs them dearly is an act of immense humility and connection to humanity. It is this selfless giving that brings both internal and eternal peace. Such a jīva (soul) transcends material joys and experiences the deepest, most profound happiness—both now and in eternity. This spirit of giving raises them above all paradises, even while they walk this Earth.

Indeed, heaven is both under our feet and above our heads. When we root ourselves in the heaven below, reaching the one above becomes effortless. Plant your feet firmly on this foundation, and the path to the divine will unfold with ease.

pada vigrahaH:
द्वौ इमौ पुरुषौ राजन् स्वर्गस्य उपरि तिष्ठतः ।
dvau imau puruṣau rājan svargasya upari tiṣṭhataḥ ।

प्रभुः च क्षमया युक्तः दरिद्रः च प्रदानवान् ॥
prabhuḥ ca kṣamayā yuktaḥ daridraḥ ca pradānavān ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
dvaavimau puruShau raajan swargasyopari tiShThataH ।
prabhushcha kShamayaa yuktaH daridrashcha pradaanavaan ॥
- viduranIti

dvau imau puruShau raajan swargasya upari tiShThataH ।
prabhuH cha kShamayaa yuktaH daridraH cha pradaanavaan ॥

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