Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
नष्टं मृतमतिक्रान्तं नानुशोचन्ति पण्डिताः ।
पण्डितानाञ्च मूर्खाणां विशेषोऽयं यतः स्मृतः ॥
- पञ्चतन्त्र, मित्रभेद
naṣṭaṃ mṛtamatikrāntaṃ nānuśocanti paṇḍitāḥ ।
paṇḍitānāñca mūrkhāṇāṃ viśeṣo'yaṃ yataḥ smṛtaḥ ॥
- pañcatantra, mitrabheda
Meaning of the subhAShita:
(For) that which is lost, dead, or has passed—the intelligent do not bemoan. It is deemed that is the difference between the intelligent and the foolish.
That which is lost cannot be brought back. The dead cannot be revived nor can the past be changed! That which is inevitable cannot be altered anyway.
The only thing under one's control is his attitude. Only the foolish invest their time in worrying about the past. The poet says the intelligent do not bemoan and bewail such things. That is what sets him apart from the rest. The intelligent clearly understand that the past has passed and will stay there. They do everything they can to make a difference in the present and take only the lessons from yesterday. They take further steps with this resolve in their mind. It takes a lot of strength, courage, and grace to move on into the future, despite one's past!
No man is rich enough to buy back the past! No amount of fretting will put a dent in what is already history! Don't make the future an experiment, and the past a regret. Hence, keep the lessons from the past, live in the present, and shape a bright future!
pada vigrahaH:
नष्टं मृतम् अतिक्रान्तं न अनुशोचन्ति पण्डिताः ।
naṣṭaṃ mṛtam atikrāntaṃ na anuśocanti paṇḍitāḥ ।
पण्डितानां च मूर्खाणां विशेषः अयं यतः स्मृतः ॥
paṇḍitānāṃ ca mūrkhāṇāṃ viśeṣaḥ ayaṃ yataḥ smṛtaḥ ॥
No man is rich enough to buy back the past! No amount of fretting will put a dent in what is already history! Don't make the future an experiment, and the past a regret. Hence, keep the lessons from the past, live in the present, and shape a bright future!
pada vigrahaH:
नष्टं मृतम् अतिक्रान्तं न अनुशोचन्ति पण्डिताः ।
naṣṭaṃ mṛtam atikrāntaṃ na anuśocanti paṇḍitāḥ ।
पण्डितानां च मूर्खाणां विशेषः अयं यतः स्मृतः ॥
paṇḍitānāṃ ca mūrkhāṇāṃ viśeṣaḥ ayaṃ yataḥ smṛtaḥ ॥
naShTaM mRutamatikraantaM naanushochanti paNDitaaH ।
paNDitaanaa~ncha mUrkhaaNaaM visheSho.yaM yataH smRutaH ॥
- pa~nchatantra, mitrabheda
naShTaM mRutam atikraantaM na anushochanti paNDitaaH ।
paNDitaanaaM cha mUrkhaaNaaM visheShaH ayaM yataH smRutaH ॥