August 19th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
गृहं गृहमटन् भिक्षुः शिक्षते न तु याचते ।
अदत्वा मद्दृशो मा भूः दत्वा त्वं त्वद्दृशो भव ॥

gṛhaṃ gṛhamaṭan bhikṣuḥ śikṣate na tu yācate ।
adatvā maddṛśo mā bhūḥ datvā tvaṃ tvaddṛśo bhava ॥

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Roaming from home to home, the cadger is not begging but teaching: "By not giving, do not become like me; remain like yourself, by giving."

Why does a beggar go from house to house seeking alms? Is it simply because he lacks enough to sustain himself? The poet suggests otherwise! The poet believes that a beggar goes door to door not merely to survive but to impart a profound lesson to those he meets. He seems to say, "By giving alms, you remain well-to-do like right now—don't end up on the streets like me by being miserly and close-fisted!"

How does the poet justify this perspective? The hands that give are the same hands that receive. A person living comfortably in society has likely benefited from countless blessings, favors, and acts of generosity to achieve their current state. By giving to those in need, one strengthens the cycle of receiving blessings in return. On the contrary, withholding generosity leads to an eventual depletion of one's merits. Over time, the miser risks falling into the same desperate state as the beggar himself. The beggar, therefore, serves as a living reminder, as if warning the stingy, "Without giving, your fate will one day mirror mine!"

In truth, giving benefits the giver far more than the receiver. The joy and fulfillment derived from selfless giving far surpass the fleeting satisfaction of receiving. Give with an open heart, for in doing so, you enrich your own life and spirit immeasurably!

pada vigrahaH:
गृहं गृहम् अटन् भिक्षुः शिक्षते न तु याचते ।
gṛhaṃ gṛham aṭan bhikṣuḥ śikṣate na tu yācate ।

अदत्वा मत् दृशः मा भूः दत्वा त्वं त्वत् दृशः भव ॥
adatvā mat dṛśaḥ mā bhūḥ datvā tvaṃ tvat dṛśaḥ bhava ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
gRuhaM gRuhamaTan bhikShuH shikShate na tu yaachate ।
adatvaa maddRusho maa bhUH datvaa tvaM tvaddRusho bhava ॥

gRuhaM gRuham aTan bhikShuH shikShate na tu yaachate ।
adatvaa mat dRushaH maa bhUH datvaa tvaM tvat dRushaH bhava ॥

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