Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
इदमेव हि पाण्डित्यं चातुर्यमिदमेव हि ।
इदमेव सुबुद्धित्वम् आयादल्पतरो व्ययः ॥
- समयोचितपद्यमालिका
idameva hi pāṇḍityaṃ cāturyamidameva hi ।
idameva subuddhitvam āyādalpataro vyayaḥ ॥
- samayocitapadyamālikā
Meaning of the subhAShita:
This alone is erudition, this alone is dexterity, this alone is good intellect—expense must be less than revenue.
Not stretching beyond means!
What one possesses, only that, he can expend. What one owns, only that, he can give. What one earns, only that, he can spend. Isn't this a straightforward philosophy?
What one possesses, only that, he can expend. What one owns, only that, he can give. What one earns, only that, he can spend. Isn't this a straightforward philosophy?
The poet opines that this alone is erudition, dexterity, and good intellect. Although these are different facets of decision-making, they have been mentioned individually to emphasize that 'all these have to give the same end result'—spending less than what is earned. There is no choice about it. For, owing to someone is a burden of the heaviest kind. The heaviest interest a debtor pays is his dignity and his self-respect!
The most sensible way to avoid this scenario is: to live within one's means; not stretching beyond what he can afford, always having something stored for a rainy day... Even ants do that! Shouldn't humans do this more ardently?
Spending is quick, earning is slow. Beware! Earn slowly, and spend even more slowly.
pada vigrahaH:
इदम् एव हि पाण्डित्यं चातुर्यम् इदम् एव हि ।
idam eva hi pāṇḍityaṃ cāturyam idam eva hi ।
इदम् एव सु-बुद्धित्वम् आयात् अल्पतरः व्ययः ॥idam eva su-buddhitvam āyāt alpataraḥ vyayaḥ ॥
idameva hi paaNDityaM chaaturyamidameva hi ।
idameva subuddhitvam aayaadalpataro vyayaH ॥
- samayochitapadyamaalikaa
idam eva hi paaNDityaM chaaturyam idam eva hi ।
idam eva su-buddhitvam aayaat alpataraH vyayaH ॥
so apt for the condition of the western economies today........