Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
दुर्जनः परिहर्तव्यः विद्ययाऽलङ्कृतोऽपि सन् ।
मणिना भूषितः सर्पः किमसौ न भयङ्करः ॥
- नीतिशतक
durjanaḥ parihartavyaḥ vidyayā'laṅkṛto'pi san ।
maṇinā bhūṣitaḥ sarpaḥ kimasau na bhayaṅkaraḥ ॥
- nītiśataka
Meaning of the subhAShita:
An evildoer should be evaded even if ornate with knowledge! Just because it is adorned with a jewel, isn't a snake scary?
Someone said, 'If you see a snake, just kill it. For God's sake! Do not appoint a committee on snakes!' Such is the reputation of a snake. The enticement of a beautiful jewel on its head will not overtake the fear it generates in the hearts of people. It is still regarded as a scary creature and people will stay away from it.
Similarly, a person's knowledge, versatility, or expertise in different arenas, will not draw people to him if his mind is evil. Those around him are bound to be hurt. Many times, the evilness of his intentions may not even be evident to those around him. Especially if he is a learned man, he would have mastered the art of deceit! Hence, the author says, just because a snake is bedecked with a shiny jewel on its head, it doesn't make it any less scary.
An evildoer adorned with vidyā (knowledge) is just the same. If knowledge is a jewel, his evil thoughts are his fangs! Hence, one should avoid the evildoer just as he would a snake!
Knowledge and viciousness do not go hand in hand. One day or the other, his malevolence will be exposed and ostracized. True knowledge should make one humble and pious. Aim for true vidyā. Respect, lovability, and piety will follow automatically.
pada vigrahaH:
दुर्जनः परिहर्तव्यः विद्यया अलङ्कृतः अपि सन् ।
durjanaḥ parihartavyaḥ vidyayā alaṅkṛtaḥ api san ।
मणिना भूषितः सर्पः किम् असौ न भयङ्करः ॥
maṇinā bhūṣitaḥ sarpaḥ kim asau na bhayaṅkaraḥ ॥
Knowledge and viciousness do not go hand in hand. One day or the other, his malevolence will be exposed and ostracized. True knowledge should make one humble and pious. Aim for true vidyā. Respect, lovability, and piety will follow automatically.
pada vigrahaH:
दुर्जनः परिहर्तव्यः विद्यया अलङ्कृतः अपि सन् ।
durjanaḥ parihartavyaḥ vidyayā alaṅkṛtaḥ api san ।
मणिना भूषितः सर्पः किम् असौ न भयङ्करः ॥
maṇinā bhūṣitaḥ sarpaḥ kim asau na bhayaṅkaraḥ ॥
durjanaH parihartavyaH san ।
maNinaa bhUShitaH sarpaH kimasau na bhaya~nkaraH ॥
- nItishataka
durjanaH parihartavyaH vidyayaa ala~nkRutaH api san ।
maNinaa bhUShitaH sarpaH kim asau na bhaya~nkaraH ॥
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