September 25th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
चित्ते प्रसन्ने भुवनं प्रसन्नं चित्ते विषण्णे भुवनं विषण्णम् ।
अतोऽभिलाषो यदि ते सुखे स्यात् चित्तप्रसादे प्रथमं यतस्व ॥

citte prasanne bhuvanaṃ prasannaṃ citte viṣaṇṇe bhuvanaṃ viṣaṇṇam ।
ato'bhilāṣo yadi te sukhe syāt cittaprasāde prathamaṃ yatasva ॥

Meaning of the subhAShita:
If the mind is happy, the entire world (seems) happy.  If the mind is despondent, the whole world (seems) despondent.  Hence, if you desire happiness, strive towards the happiness of the mind first.

It's all in the mind! 

The mind, by definition, is the set of cognitive faculties that enables consciousness, perception, thinking, judgment, and memory. It is subtle—imperceptible through the five gross sense organs—and can only be experienced by oneself. While we may attempt to understand another’s mind, complete perception is exclusive to the individual. A subhāṣita even exaggerates this, stating, "That which is in one’s mind cannot be perceived even by Lord Brahma, the creator." Such is the complexity of the mind!

Having established the intricacy of the mind, what role does it play in shaping one’s outlook? Simply put, if the mind is happy, the world appears joyful and vibrant; if the mind is sad, the world seems gloomy and bleak. The same surroundings can feel vastly different depending on the state of one’s mind. Naturally, no one wants sadness—we all seek happiness and peace. So, the first step is to focus on keeping the mind happy!

How can this be achieved? By cultivating a positive outlook on life, trusting that a higher power is always watching over us, and believing that everything happens for our betterment. A positive attitude fosters a merry mind. A child is inherently happy without needing a reason—if we adults could adopt that simplicity, the world would truly become a beautiful place. With a healthy mind, even physical ailments could diminish, as a cheerful mind contributes to a healthy body. The state of one’s mind influences every level of being—body, mind, and intellect.

To become a well-rounded individual, it is essential to nurture a positive and cheerful mind. Stay happy, and embrace the journey of understanding life!

pada vigrahaH:
चित्ते प्रसन्ने भुवनं प्रसन्नं चित्ते विषण्णे भुवनं विषण्णम् ।
citte prasanne bhuvanaṃ prasannaṃ citte viṣaṇṇe bhuvanaṃ viṣaṇṇam ।

अत: अभिलाषः यदि ते सुखे स्यात् चित्त-प्रसादे प्रथमं यतस्व ॥
ataḥ abhilāṣaḥ yadi te sukhe syāt citta-prasāde prathamaṃ yatasva ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
chitte prasanne bhuvanaM prasannaM chitte viShaNNe bhuvanaM viShaNNam ।
ato.bhilaaSho yadi te sukhe syaat chittaprasaade prathamaM yatasva ॥

chitte prasanne bhuvanaM prasannaM chitte viShaNNe bhuvanaM viShaNNam ।
ataH abhilaaShaH yadi te sukhe syaat chitta-prasaade prathamaM yatasva ॥


  1. This is a very nice subhaashita, and very relevant for current times. Came across your blog through a reference, and I am so thankful that you are doing such awesome work! :) Please continue to post more Subhaashitaas :)

    Also, can you add some word to word sanskrit word meanings too? Would greatly help to learn some new Sanskrit words in the process, for beginners like me.

    Once again, thank you so much for this awesome blog!

    1. Thank you. Happy to hear that you are enjoying the content, Preethi ji. Currently working on some other projects and hence not posting new verses.
      Currently, teaching these as online classes. Do check out the details here if it interests you.

    2. Yes, word-to-word meanings would enhance our Sanskrit language. I too enjoy Rashmiji's Subhaashitas regularly in fb Sanskrit Subhaashita group. Thanks a lot.

  2. अतोः अभिलाषः should be अत:अभिलाष:

    1. Thanks for catching they typo, Bhalachandra ji. It has been fixed.

  3. Thank you for the wonderful subhashtanis

  4. From which text this is taken from ?

    1. If known, sources are given right below the verses. If it is not there, sources is not available at this time.
