Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
अहिंसा प्रथमं पुष्पं पुष्पमिन्द्रिय निग्रहः
सर्वभूतदयापुष्पं क्षमापुष्पं विशेषतः ।
ज्ञानपुष्पं तपःपुष्पं शान्तिपुष्पं तथैव च
सत्यमष्टविधं पुष्पं विष्णोः प्रीतिकरं भवेत् ॥
ahiṃsā prathamaṃ puṣpaṃ puṣpamindriya nigrahaḥsarvabhūtadayāpuṣpaṃ kṣamāpuṣpaṃ viśeṣataḥ ।
jñānapuṣpaṃ tapaḥpuṣpaṃ śāntipuṣpaṃ tathaiva ca
satyamaṣṭavidhaṃ puṣpaṃ viṣṇoḥ prītikaraṃ bhavet ॥
Meaning of the subhAShita:
Non-violence is the first flower, control over the senses is a flower, compassion towards all beings is a flower, especially forbearance is a flower, (right) knowledge is a flower, penance is a flower. Then, also, peace is a flower, truth being the eighth flower—these are dearest to Lord Viṣṇu.
The only way to worship the Lord is not just to worship Him lavishly in a temple or a pīṭham (pedestal) with flowers of gold and silver. Worshiping Him can happen anywhere, at any time. The mode of worship does not necessarily have to be ritualistic or religious. If one can offer these 8 flowers to Him, He would be more than pleased with such a being. It's as easy as that! What are these 8 special flowers?
- Non-violence: Not just in deeds, but in thoughts, words, and at heart. One has to be non-aggressive in all dimensions of his existence.
- Control over the senses: When left loose, sense organs are like wild horses! If one does not know how to reign them in, they will take charge and cause havoc of the most disastrous kind.
- Compassion towards all beings: Be it a bird, bee, animal, or human, one has to be kind, compassionate, and humane towards them. When one can see the equality—essentially the divinity existent in all beings—that in itself is a flower that can be offered to Him.
- Forbearance: Being patient and forgiving towards all beings is an offering to the Lord.
- Right knowledge: Not just knowledge of any kind, but the Right Knowledge—about the supreme truth about the nature of the Self—and a quest for that truth is a sincere flower that the Lord likes.
- Penance: Penance is not just the kind where one sits under a tree without food or water for days. Living by his dharma at every step, under every circumstance, no matter how difficult—that in itself is a penance that appeases the Lord.
- Peace: The un-intrusive, non-disruptive state of everything. Letting everything be the way it naturally is, is peace. If one keeps peace all the time, that itself is worship.
- Truth: There is nothing else equal to this! If one has an immense thirst for attaining the ultimate truth and has succeeded in achieving it, his worship of the Lord is complete!
pada vigrahaH:
अहिंसा प्रथमं पुष्पं पुष्पम् इन्द्रिय निग्रहः
ahiṃsā prathamaṃ puṣpaṃ puṣpam indriya nigrahaḥ
सर्व-भूत-दया-पुष्पं क्षमा-पुष्पं विशेषतः ।
sarva-bhūta-dayā-puṣpaṃ kṣamā-puṣpaṃ viśeṣataḥ ।
ज्ञान-पुष्पं तपः-पुष्पं शान्ति-पुष्पं तथ एव च
jñāna-puṣpaṃ tapaḥ-puṣpaṃ śānti-puṣpaṃ tatha eva ca
सत्यम् अष्ट-विधं पुष्पं विष्णोः प्रीतिकरं भवेत् ॥
satyam aṣṭa-vidhaṃ puṣpaṃ viṣṇoḥ prītikaraṃ bhavet ॥
ahiMsaa prathamaM puShpaM puShpamindriya nigrahaH
sarvabhUtadayaapuShpaM kShamaapuShpaM visheShataH ।
j~naanapuShpaM tapaHpuShpaM shaantipuShpaM tathaiva cha
satyamaShTavidhaM puShpaM viShNoH prItikaraM bhavet ॥
ahiMsaa prathamaM puShpaM puShpam indriya nigrahaH
sarva-bhUta-dayaa-puShpaM kShamaa-puShpaM visheShataH ।
j~naana-puShpaM tapaH-puShpaM shaanti-puShpaM tatha eva cha
satyam aShTa-vidhaM puShpaM viShNoH prItikaraM bhavet ॥
Thank you divine person
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