June 10th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
उच्चैरुच्चरितव्यं यत्किञ्चिदजानतापि पुरुषेण ।
मूर्खा बहु मन्यन्ते विदुषामपि संशयो भवति ॥

- सुभाषितसुधानिधि

uccairuccaritavyaṃ yatkiñcidajānatāpi puruṣeṇa ।
mūrkhā bahu manyante viduṣāmapi saṃśayo bhavati ॥
- subhāṣitasudhānidhi

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Whatever little is spoken by a person, it should be said articulately even if unaware of everything.  For, (not only shall) the foolish regard highly, (but) even the wise shall become incredulous.

While speaking, along with what is being spoken the conviction of the speaker weighs in quite a bit!  Like it or not, if the speaker is not certain of himself, how can he expect his audience to have any faith in what he is saying?  Swallowing words, stuttering, stammering, mumbling, droning, none of these grab the attention of the listeners. 

'Write to be understood, speak to be heard'!  If one wants to be heard, he needs to speak and speak clearly he MUST!  Speech is power when used aptly, if not, one will regret that he ever opened his mouth!  When he does, he should make sure it is loud and clear.

The poet goes a step further and says, that even if unaware of everything, one should speak clearly!  Because the dull-witted shall have high regard due to one's delivery and the smart ones too shall doubt for a moment that the speaker might know everything ;). Deception is not the purpose here, nor is it promoting pompousness!  All the author is saying is, to be confident and present whatever little you know, in a crystal clear manner.

Don't mumble... SPEAK UP... so you can be heard!

pada vigrahaH:
उच्चैः उच्चरितव्यं यत् किञ्चित् अजानताः अपि पुरुषेण ।
uccaiḥ uccaritavyaṃ yat kiñcit ajānatāḥ api puruṣeṇa ।

मूर्खाः बहु मन्यन्ते विदुषाम् अपि संशयः भवति ॥
mūrkhāḥ bahu manyante viduṣām api saṃśayaḥ bhavati ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
uchchairuchcharitavyaM yatki~nchidajaanataapi puruSheNa ।
mUrkhaa bahu manyante viduShaamapi saMshayo bhavati ॥
- subhaaShitasudhaanidhi

uchchaiH uchcharitavyaM yat ki~nchit ajaanataaH api puruSheNa ।
mUrkhaaH bahu manyante viduShaam api saMshayaH bhavati ॥


  1. महॊदय नमांसि ।

    भवतः ब्लाग् / वेब् सैट् पृष्ठं संस्कृतवाण्यां (The unique Sanskrit aggregator)संयॊजितं इति वक्तुं संतॊषं प्रकटयामि । तदत्र निम्नॊक्तप्रदॆशॆ द्रष्टुं शक्यतॆ


    अन्यदपि मॆ विज्ञापनं यद्भवतां ब्लाग् / वेब् सैट् पृष्ठॆ अस्माकं संस्कृतवाण्याः ( http://sanskrit.teluguthesis.org/node/2 प्रदॆशॆ लभॆत् ) चित्रं यथाशक्ति प्रकटीकुर्युः यॆन वयं धन्याः, कृतज्ञाश्च भवॆम ।

    संस्कृतवाणी कृतॆ -

    पाण्डुरङ्गशर्मा रामकः


    Sanskrit Aggregator's Blog

  2. मुर्खा = मूर्खा

  3. Done. Thanks for keeping an eye out :).
