November 6th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
शुचित्वं त्यागिता शौर्यं समानसुखदुःखता ।
दाक्षिण्यं चानुरक्तिश्च सत्यता च सुहृद्गुणाः ॥
- हितोपदेश, मित्रलाभ

śucitvaṃ tyāgitā śauryaṃ samānasukhaduḥkhatā ।
dākṣiṇyaṃ cānuraktiśca satyatā ca suhṛdguṇāḥ ॥
- hitopadeśa, mitralābha

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Purity, generosity, courage, equanimity in pleasure and pain, kindness, affection, and honesty—these are the characteristics of a friend. 

In this world, there are friends and there is family. Then there are friends who transcend both to become family in their own right.  They are characterized by their purity, generosity, courage, equanimity in pleasure and pain, kindness, affection, and honesty.  

Friendship is perhaps the most difficult of bonds to define. Unlike the formal ties of other relationships, it has no official seal and no prescribed structure. It is not something we are born with or born into—it is something that blossoms from our own choosing!

A friend is one who not only accepts us as we are but gives us the space to truly be free. Through that freedom, they help shape us into who we are meant to become. A true friend is the one who walks in when the world has walked out.

They are a mirror, reflecting our truest selves, yet they also gently point out our flaws with love, kindness, and honesty. A friend is someone whose intentions are pure, whose generosity is boundless, and whose courage is unwavering.

A true friend is not there only in the joy of bright days, but especially in the darkest of times. For, no friend is perfect and those who seek perfection in friendship will find themselves alone. True friendship is when two souls can walk in opposite directions and still remain side by side.

It is these friends we meet along the way who help us understand the value of the journey. They may not always walk beside us, but they will always be there for us. In moments of joy, they make the good times richer; in moments of hardship, they make the burdens lighter. 

Birds of a feather flock together. True friendship is not merely found but nurtured through the very traits we embody.  The poet's aim is not only to guide us toward good friends but also to call upon us to cultivate the qualities in ourselves that make us worthy of such friendships.  

pada vigrahaH:
शुचित्वं त्यागिता शौर्यं समान-सुख-दुःखता ।
śucitvaṃ tyāgitā śauryaṃ samāna-sukha-duḥkhatā ।

दाक्षिण्यं च-अनुरक्तिः च सत्यता च सुहृत्-गुणाः ॥
dākṣiṇyaṃ ca-anuraktiḥ ca satyatā ca suhṛt-guṇāḥ ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
shucitvaM tyaagitaa shauryaM samaanasukhaduHkhataa |
daakShiNyaM chaanuraktishcha satyataa ca suhRudguNaaH ||
- hitopadesha, mitralaabha

shucitvaM tyaagitaa shauryaM samaana-sukha-duHkhataa |
daakShiNyaM cha-anuraktiH cha satyataa ca suhRut-guNaaH ||

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