April 10th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
अज्ञानादथवा ज्ञानात् उत्तमश्लोकनाम यत् ।
सङ्कीर्तितमघं पुंसः दहेदेधो यथानलः ॥
- भागवत

ajñānādathavā jñānāt uttamaślokanāma yat ।
saṅkīrtitamaghaṃ puṃsaḥ dahededho yathānalaḥ ॥
- bhāgavata

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Whether consciously or unawares, uttering the (Lord's) most elevated name shall burn the sins of the person, just as fuel (when it comes in contact with) fire.

When there is a pile of wood (fuel), whether one strikes a match at it with the intent to light a fire, or an innocent child unaware of the consequence strikes a match..., the end result is the same!  The wood would be set ablaze!!  Similarly is taking the name of the Lord.  Whether one intentionally prays to Him or accidentally takes His name, that person's baggage of sins will get burnt.

There are multitudes of ways to show devotion to Him.  Whether one remembers Him as the Supreme Lord, a friend, a well-wisher, a beloved, a parent, or even as an enemy, just by remembering the Lord, the sins of a being (person) are burnt to ashes; just as fire would burn the firewood!

In such a case, what if one is intentionally and intensely remembering Him?!  There are no words to describe the amount of bliss he would be attaining!  This bliss would surpass everything else in this world.

Now, it is entirely up to us whether we let the Lord keep us from sin or let sin keep us from the Lord!

pada vigrahaH:
अज्ञानात् अथवा ज्ञानात् उत्तम-श्लोक-नाम यत् ।
ajñānāt athavā jñānāt uttama-śloka-nāma yat ।

सङ्कीर्तितम् अघं पुंसः दहेत् एधः यथा अनलः ॥
saṅkīrtitam aghaṃ puṃsaḥ dahet edhaḥ yathā analaḥ ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
aj~naanaadathavaa j~naanaat uttamashlokanaama yat ।
sa~nkIrtitamaghaM puMsaH dahededho yathaanalaH ॥
- bhaagavata

aj~naanaat athavaa j~naanaat uttama-shloka-naama yat ।
sa~nkIrtitam aghaM puMsaH dahet edhaH yathaa analaH ॥

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