Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
अहन्यहनि भूतानि गच्छन्तीह यमालयम् ।
शेषाः स्थावरमिच्छन्ति किमाश्चर्यमतः परम् ॥
- महाभारत, वनपर्व
ahanyahani bhūtāni gacchantīha yamālayam ।
śeṣāḥ sthāvaramicchanti kimāścaryamataḥ param ॥
- mahābhārata, vanaparva
Meaning of the subhAShita:
Every day, beings go to the abode of Yama (death). The rest desire for immortality. What can be more astonishing than this?!
Day in and day out, mortal beings see death in one form or another. It could be the passing of a near and dear one or road kill on the street. Although the reality of life (rather, death) is evident from the very moment of birth, beings want to believe that somehow they will be spared that trouble! What can be a more astonishing phenomenon than that! Isn't this denial the biggest wonder of the world?!
If we really think about it, the root cause of all fears is: the fear of death. Be it claustrophobia, hydrophobia, or whatever other phobia, the main underlying cause is the fear that one might die in those circumstances. The 'fear of the unknown' is so intense that it overbears all other knowledge.
If we really think about it, the root cause of all fears is: the fear of death. Be it claustrophobia, hydrophobia, or whatever other phobia, the main underlying cause is the fear that one might die in those circumstances. The 'fear of the unknown' is so intense that it overbears all other knowledge.
So much so that most people would rather choose unhappiness over uncertainty! One would rather stay in sorrow rather than face the unknown. He would embrace the 'ignorance is bliss' philosophy and pretend that the unknown shall never come to him just so he doesn't have to face that 'fear of the unknown'!
Someone was asked, "If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and return as a new character...would you slow down or speed up?" If one knew more about what happens after life, the fear might not have been so gripping.
This is one field of knowledge in which science has not been able to explain or prove much. Science believes only upon seeing proof. However, spirituality begins where science stops! Philosophy first believes completely and then perceives its authenticity. This method of learning is the key to vedāntic knowledge. Scriptures given by the rishis (sages) come to aid here. They were scientists of the highest order who experienced life beyond life. Certainly, there is merit to what they have written!
“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it is worth watching.”
pada vigrahaH:
अहनि अहनि भूतानि गच्छन्ति इह यम-आलयम् ।
ahani ahani bhūtāni gacchanti iha yama-ālayam ।
शेषाः स्थावरम् इच्छन्ति किम् आश्चर्यम् अतः परम् ॥
śeṣāḥ sthāvaram icchanti kim āścaryam ataḥ param ॥
ahanyahani bhUtaani gachChantIha yamaalayam ।
sheShaaH sthaavaramichChanti kimaashcharyamataH param ॥
- mahaabhaarata, vanaparva
ahani ahani bhUtaani gachChanti iha yama-aalayam ।
sheShaaH sthaavaram ichChanti kim aashcharyam ataH param ॥
It is अहन्यहनि भूतानि गच्छन्तीह
ReplyDeleteयमालयम् ।
शेषाः जीवितुमिच्छन्ति किमाश्चर्यमतः परम्
Every day beings go to yamalaya, the
of yama (death).
Since the rest desire to live more, hope to be immortal.
@Jyotirmaya, there can be many versions of one verse. But that does not mean one is right or the other is wrong! Even in the version you have mentioned, the 3rd and 4th paada-s would mean - 'the rest desire to live, what is more wonderous than this'.
ReplyDeleteIt might be. That was written in our text book. :)
ReplyDeletei know its not useful but im gonna try one and last time. Can anyone please anyone translate this into Sanskrit?
ReplyDelete"one day your life will flash in front of your eyes make it worth living"
Thanks a lot in advance if anyone helps me
This is what Yudhishthira says when Yama asks him - what is the most surprising thing?
ReplyDelete@Krishna-ji, that certainly is the context! Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't human beings get rid of MAYAA?