Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
कन्यादाताऽन्नदाता च ज्ञानदाताऽभयप्रदः ।
जन्मदो मन्त्रदो ज्येष्ठभ्राता च पितरः स्मृतः ॥
kanyādātā'nnadātā ca jñānadātā'bhayapradaḥ ।
janmado mantrado jyeṣṭhabhrātā ca pitaraḥ smṛtaḥ ॥
Meaning of the subhAShita:
One who gives his daughter in marriage; one who provides food; one who bestows knowledge; one who guards against fear; one who gives birth; one who bestows counsel; one (brother) who is born ahead of you—all these (luminaries) are deemed as fathers.
It is said that there is no other need in childhood as strong as the need for protection from a father! Fathers are revered for their many contributions along the various facets of life starting with—giving life, caring, and nurturing. He propitiates the child into new beginnings time and again. He is the one who invigorates his young ones to explore life and then helps formulate their future. The greatest gift any father can give his child is—believing in the child! He instills trust in the child.
The poet says that one comes across many such fatherly figures during his lifetime. They are
pada vigrahaH:
कन्यादाता अन्नदाता च ज्ञानदाता अभयप्रदः ।
kanyādātā annadātā ca jñānadātā abhayapradaḥ ।
जन्मदः मन्त्रदः ज्येष्ठ-भ्राता च पितरः स्मृतः ॥
janmadaḥ mantradaḥ jyeṣṭha-bhrātā ca pitaraḥ smṛtaḥ ॥
The poet says that one comes across many such fatherly figures during his lifetime. They are
- the one who gives his daughter's hand in marriage. The father-in-law trusts and bequeaths his daughter to her husband. She bears progeny for her husband, making him a father. Veneration for that.
- the one who provides food and tends to one's hunger. This is a fatherly gesture for sure. Respect to him.
- the one who bestows knowledge gives birth to a new perspective in the intellect of the person. He contributes to the person's growth and is therefore exalted to the stature of a father.
- the one who guards against fear and reassures the faith that all will be well! Admiration to him.
- the one who gives birth is certainly revered. If not for him, one wouldn't be here speaking about who to revere!! The care and nurture given by him are irreplaceable. Love and respect for him is a given.
- the one who bestows counsel and guides in the right direction like a father. Honor to him.
- the one who is born ahead of us (an elder brother), is nothing less than a father as he steps up to be a father figure! If one is afraid to approach his father for anything, it is easier to approach the elder brother. Cherish him.
A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow! These aforementioned magnanimous personalities shape a person from childhood on.
Fathers are honored always for their roles and contributions to our lives! Obeisance to them.
कन्यादाता अन्नदाता च ज्ञानदाता अभयप्रदः ।
kanyādātā annadātā ca jñānadātā abhayapradaḥ ।
जन्मदः मन्त्रदः ज्येष्ठ-भ्राता च पितरः स्मृतः ॥
janmadaḥ mantradaḥ jyeṣṭha-bhrātā ca pitaraḥ smṛtaḥ ॥
kanyaadaataa.nnadaataa cha j~naanadaataa.bhayapradaH ।
janmado mantrado jyeShThabhraataa cha pitaraH smRutaH ॥
kanyaadaataa annadaataa cha j~naanadaataa abhayapradaH ।
janmadaH mantradaH jyeShTha-bhraataa cha pitaraH smRutaH ॥