Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
यत्र विद्वज्जनो नास्ति श्लाघ्यस्तत्राल्पधीरपि ।
निरस्तपादपे देशे एरण्डोऽपि द्रुमायते ॥
- सुभाषितरत्नसमुच्चय
yatra vidvajjano nāsti ślāghyastatrālpadhīrapi ।
nirastapādape deśe eraṇḍo'pi drumāyate ॥
- subhāṣitaratnasamuccaya
Meaning of the subhAShita:
In a place where there are no learned people, even a dull-witted person becomes laudable. In a place where there is no vegetation, even a castor plant passes for a tree!
This verse critiques those who take pride in their superiority only because they are surrounded by mediocrity. When everyone around possesses average or limited capabilities, even someone with a few accomplishments may be celebrated as a hero. The example used here is the castor oil plant—a modest shrub with scanty leaves, in the absence of any other vegetation, may pass for a "tree."
True achievement lies in one's intrinsic abilities and accomplishments, not in how they compare to those around them. Inflating one's ego by claiming superiority over mediocrity serves no real purpose. It's akin to the frog in the well, who believes he is the greatest swimmer in the world simply because he has never encountered the vastness of the ocean.
If the bar were raised, such individuals might either rise to the challenge and grow or, at the very least, develop humility regarding their actual standing. Surrounding oneself with mediocrity can create a false ceiling, limiting growth and fostering complacency. A higher standard and exposure to excellence push individuals to refine their skills and broaden their horizons.
The best way to continually grow is to compete with oneself. By striving to improve daily, there are no limits to what one can achieve. This approach fosters humility and ensures progress is independent of external comparisons.
Ultimately, it is far more commendable to achieve modest success under challenging circumstances than to thrive effortlessly in a weak setup. Taking risks and continuously striving for self-improvement is what separates the ordinary from the extraordinary. Aim higher, challenge yourself, and grow beyond the confines of comfort!
pada vigrahaH:
यत्र विद्वत् जनः न अस्ति श्लाघ्यः तत्र अल्प-धीः अपि ।
yatra vidvat janaḥ na asti ślāghyaḥ tatra alpa-dhīḥ api ।
निरस्त पादपे देशे एरण्डः अपि द्रुमायते ॥
nirasta pādape deśe eraṇḍaḥ api drumāyate ॥
यत्र विद्वत् जनः न अस्ति श्लाघ्यः तत्र अल्प-धीः अपि ।
yatra vidvat janaḥ na asti ślāghyaḥ tatra alpa-dhīḥ api ।
निरस्त पादपे देशे एरण्डः अपि द्रुमायते ॥
nirasta pādape deśe eraṇḍaḥ api drumāyate ॥
yatra vidvajjano naasti shlaaghyastatraalpadhIrapi ।
nirastapaadape deshe eraNDo.pi drumaayate ॥
- subhaaShitaratnasamuchchaya
yatra vidvat janaH na asti shlaaghyaH tatra alpa-dhIH api ।
nirasta paadape deshe eraNDaH api drumaayate ॥