Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
ज्येष्ठो भ्राता पिता चैव यश्च विद्यां प्रयच्छति ।
त्रयस्ते पितरो ज्ञेयाः धर्मे वर्त्मनि वर्तिनः ॥
-रामायण, किष्किन्धा
jyeṣṭho bhrātā pitā caiva yaśca vidyāṃ prayacchati ।trayaste pitaro jñeyāḥ dharme vartmani vartinaḥ ॥
-rāmāyaṇa, kiṣkindhā
Meaning of the subhAShita:
An elder brother, the father himself, and he who gives knowledge—these three are to be perceived (respected) as fathers by those on the path of virtue.
Father, as we know by definition, is the man who gives birth. He is to be respected and revered always! In one's life, many such father figures are encountered too. The poet says
May we all be blessed with such father figures and their guidance always!
pada vigrahaH:
ज्येष्ठः भ्राता पिता च एव यः च विद्यां प्रयच्छति ।
jyeṣṭhaḥ bhrātā pitā ca eva yaḥ ca vidyāṃ prayacchati ।
त्रयः ते पितरः ज्ञेया धर्मे वर्त्मनि वर्तिनः ॥
trayaḥ te pitaraḥ jñeyā dharme vartmani vartinaḥ ॥
- an elder brother, who protects, nurtures, and guides his siblings, is also equivalent to a father.
- the biological father is definitely revered for all the tending and selfless love he showers on his children!
- a guru who imparts knowledge and gives birth to a new perspective in a person is also to be revered as a father! (Especially spiritual gurus and guides. They help one absolve his ignorance and lead him on the path of ultimate knowledge).
May we all be blessed with such father figures and their guidance always!
pada vigrahaH:
ज्येष्ठः भ्राता पिता च एव यः च विद्यां प्रयच्छति ।
jyeṣṭhaḥ bhrātā pitā ca eva yaḥ ca vidyāṃ prayacchati ।
त्रयः ते पितरः ज्ञेया धर्मे वर्त्मनि वर्तिनः ॥
trayaḥ te pitaraḥ jñeyā dharme vartmani vartinaḥ ॥
jyeShTho bhraataa pitaa chaiva yashcha vidyaaM prayachChati ।
trayaste pitaro j~neyaaH dharme vartmani vartinaH ॥
-raamaayaNa, kiShkindhaa
jyeShThaH bhraataa pitaa cha eva yaH cha vidyaaM prayachChati ।
trayaH te pitaraH j~neyaaH dharme vartmani vartinaH ॥